Noticing it's been mid-summer since my last blog post. I'll highlight the high (and low) points since then.
1. The Stud and I celebrated 7 years of marraige on July 26. Guess the itch should be over now, huh?
2. Munchkin 2 turned 4 in August, and will no longer wear any article of clothing that has a number 3 on it.
3. I had my 20's Funeral on September 5, and met my 30's on the September 6. It was a painful good-bye and hello, but I'm dealing with it.
4. Munchkin 1 started Kindergarten on September 8. Since this time I've been cutting crust off of Peanut Butter sandwiches, playing the role of drill sargeant in the mornings, and learning that everything is "Like this" and "Like that"...really?
It's amazing how life's chapters change so quickly. The older I get the more I understand true happiness is in the little things. Things like late night ice-cream sandwich snacks with my girls, my son running to have me kiss his "bobo", and random mushy-gushy text-messages from The Stud during the day.
Focus on the High Points and the Low Points will surely fade away.