Today was splendid. Bright sunshine, cool breeze, 3 munchkins, and one happy mom. Although, the cares of wifehood beckoned - I put my 'mom' hat on today, and had a blast. The munchkins and I headed out early for a day at the park - snacks and beverage in tow. We rock-climbed, monkey-barred, wooshed down the slide, swung high on the swings, fed the ducks, took a walk down the nature trail, played chase in the open field, made new friends (with people and pets) and laughed, laughed, laughed.
After we played till we were pooped, we headed home for lunch, and spent the remainder of the day playing the Wii, reading books, and just giggling. I love days like today. Days like today are my therapy. You should try it really does work.
Now, all of my munchkins are tucked cozy in bed, and I too, am calling it a splendid day.
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