The munchkins decided to pull out their only mode of automatic transportation on the property today...the Dora Car. Mind you this car is a 1 seater, and does not accomodate the 3 munchkins well at all. The attempt usually ends up something like this...

M2: "Okay...I'll just walk behind.. You two can have all the fun of driving."

M2: "This is not cool...I should be able to ride also."

M2: "WWHHHEEEEEE... this is fun...Why didn't we think of this before guys?"
M3: "Left me off ...You girls are crowding me"

M3: "WWAAAHHHHH...wait...I've decided I want back on now!"

M1: "Haha...Girl Power!! "
M2: "No boys allowed...this is much better."

M3: "NO!!!! This is not fair. MMMOOOOOMMM!!!"

M1: "Okay...let's try this again. I'll sit on the hood and relax..Munchkin 2 take it away."
M2 & M3: "Well..this is a little better...At least none of us have to walk."
I love the pictures! The one of M3 yelling is fantastic!!! It is nice to see that my kids aren't the only "problem solvers" out there.