Tuesday, September 03, 2013

That's a Wrap...

Summer has officially come to an end, and we mourn the passing of longer days, cold watermelon and  sleeping past 7am.  We enter into the time of year where we try to recoup from the busyness of summer and brace ourselves for an even busier Fall...when the days are shorter, the malls are a madhouse and the kids start preparing their Christmas lists.  Ah, the circle of life, the cycle of seasons, the tick-tock of Father Time... As each day passes a new appreciation for the time we have been given arises within my soul.  Reminiscing over the summer months I am saddened at how many moments I must have missed because I was consumed with getting to the next moment.  The next big thing, the next event to attend, the next next next...As fall approaches I am holding on to the Chinese Proverb...the Journey Is The Reward...in hopes of hanging on to each moment not as just a memory but as a building block to this Journey we call Life.

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